Procedure Screen – a practical approach to animal welfare.


Through collaboration with animal technicians at St. George’s University, London, we have developed the Procedure Screen. As technicians, they are continually asking, what can be done to refine the way they work. Thanks to this, they have developed the Procedure Screen.

The simple design allowed for technicians to work with animals, with others in close proximity, thereby, shielding neighbouring animals. Moreover, the use of red-tint plastic, we expose the animals to less visual stimuli. Therefore reducing the stress on the animals while undergoing routine procedures.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Ease of disinfecting/sterilising
  • Ease of use for operators
  • Translucent plastic to allow technicians an uninterrupted view of the animals


As seen below, the Procedure Screen is made from two pieces of coloured plastic joined with a robust hinge system. Thus, meaning that the screen is simple to store and easy to clean.

procedure area divider

Additionally, the dexterity of the screen makes the screen useful for a variety of applications. Including, but not limited to:

  • Routine Procedures
  • Separation of workspaces
  • Identification of Animals
  • Health and Welfare observations


Currently, there are two sizes available. However, we can produce the Procedure Screen, in a variety of materials and colours based on your individual requirements.

Our industry does not stand still, and at NKP-Isotec, we don’t believe that we should either. It is through collaborations such as these that define our industry and make your research, better.

NKP-Isotec – working with you for the best solutions.